Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lesson 284 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verb (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), and objective complements (oc) in the following sentences.

If the word is verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive. Tell which word the adjective, adverb, prepositional phrase, verbal, orverbal phrase modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. Tell which word the adverb and adjective clausemodify. Tell how the noun clause is used.

1. Joe thinks he can win at the slots.

2. That one should always do his best is certain to bring success.

3. The fact was that I was not in town.

4. The girl ran more quickly to her mother than her brother.

5. Although a skilled person will be better prepared, he may not find work.

--For answers scroll down.


1. thinks = verb, Joe = subject; (he can win at the slots) = noun clause used as the direct object with an understood introductory word that, can win = verb, he = subject, at the slots = adverb prepositional phrase modifying can win, at = preposition, slots = object of the preposition, the = adjective modifying slots

2. is = verb, (that one should always do his best) = noun clause used as the subject, should do = verb, one = subject, best = direct object, his = adjective modifying best, always = adverb modifying should do, that = noun clause introductory word that does not fit grammatically with the sentence; certain = predicate adjective modifying (that one should always do his best) the subject, to bring = adverb infinitive modifying certain, success = direct object to the infinitive to bring

3. was = verb, fact = subject, the = adjective modifying fact; (that I was not in town) = noun clause used as the predicate nominative, was = verb, I = subject, not = adverb modifying was, in town = adverb prepositional phrase modifying was, in = preposition, town = object of the preposition, that = noun clause introductory word that does not fit grammatically with the  sentence

4. ran = verb, girl = subject, the = adjective modifying girl, quickly = adverb modifying ran, more = adverb modifying quickly, to her mother = adverb prepositional phrase modifying ran, to = preposition, mother = object of the preposition, her = adjective modifying mother; (than her brother [ran quickly to his mother] understood part of the clause) = adverb elliptical clause modifying more, ran = understood verb, brother = subject, her = adjective modifying brother, quickly = understood adverb modifying understood ran, to his mother = understood prepositional phrase modifying ran, to = understood preposition, mother = understood object of the preposition, his = understood adjective modifying mother, than = subordinate conjunction introducing the adverb clause

5. may find = verb, he = subject, work = direct object, not = adverb modifying may find; (although a skilled person will be better prepared) = adverb clause modifying may find, will be = verb, person = subject, a = adjective modifying person, skilled = participle modifying person, prepared = participle modifying person used as the predicate adjective, better = adverb modifying prepared, although = subordinate conjunction introducing the adverb clause

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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