Friday, November 13, 2015

Lesson 300 - Parts of the Sentence - Compound/Complex Sentences

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verb (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), and objective complements (oc) in the following sentences.

If the word is verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive. Tell which word the adjective, adverb, prepositional phrase, verbal, orverbal phrase modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. Tell which word the adverb and adjective clausemodify. Tell how the noun clause is used.

1. None of the other jurors asked me to change my mind.

2. Barbara and Jeanne whispered and giggled all night.

3. That he is my cousin cannot be denied.

4. The boy who is speaking is my brother, and he will be staying with us.

5. I know you don't like him, but that doesn't matter.

--For answers scroll down.


1. asked = verb, none = subject, of the other jurors = adjective prepositional phrase modifying none, of = preposition, jurors = object of the preposition, the/other = adjectives modifying jurors; (me to change my mind) = direct object, to change my mind = noun infinitive phrase used as the direct object, me = subject to the infinitive, mind = direct object of infinitive, my = adjective modifying mind

2. whispered/giggled = verbs, Barbara/Jeanne = subjects, and/and = co-ordinate conjunctions, night = adverbial noun modifying whispered/giggled, all = adjective modifying night

3. (that he is my cousin) = noun clause used as the subject, is = verb, he = subject, cousin = predicate nominative, my = adjective modifying cousin, that = noun clause introductory word which does not fit grammatically with the sentence; can be denied = verb, not = adverb modifying can be denied

4. is = verb, boy = subject, brother = predicate nominative, the = adjective modifying boy, my = adjective modifying brother; (who is speaking) = adjective clause modifying boy, is speaking = verb, who = subject; and = co-ordinate conjunction, will be staying = verb, he = subject, with us = adverb prepositional phrase modifying will be staying, with = preposition, us = object of the preposition

5. know = verb I = subject; ([that] you don't like him) = noun clause used as the direct object with a missing introductory that, do like = verb, you = subject, him = direct object, n't = adverb modifying do like; but = co-ordinate conjunction, does matter = verb, that = subject, n't = adverb modifying does matter

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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