Friday, June 9, 2017

Quiz for Lessons 196 - 200 - Parts of the Sentence - Review

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verb (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), and objective complements (oc) in the following sentences.

1. The hostess served her special guests a delicious meal.

2. Many young boys carry charms in their pockets for good luck.

3. The sunlight made the apple red.

4. Harry, was that man the owner of the winning horse?

5. Reinforced concrete is famous for its strength.

6. The happy parents named their new daughter Joy.

7. Aunt Fern offered her children a part of the business.

--For answers scroll down.


1. served = v; hostess = subj; meal = do; guests = io; the = adj modifying hostess; her/special = adj modifying guests; a/delicious = adj modifying meal

2. carry = v; boys = subj; charms = do; many/young = adj modifying boys; in their pockets/for good luck = p ph modifying carry; in/for = prep; pockets/luck = op; their = adj modifying pockets; good = adj modifying luck

3. made = v; sunlight = subj; apple = do; red = oc; the = adj modifying sunlight; the = adj modifying apple

4. was = v; man = subj; owner = pn; Harry = na; that = adj modifying man; the = adj modifying owner; of the winning horse = p ph modifying owner; of = prep; horse = op; the/winning = adj modifying horse

5. is = v; concrete = subj; famous = pa; reinforced = adj modifying concrete; for its strength = p ph modifying famous; for = prep; strength = op; its = adj modifying strength

6. named = v; parents = subj; daughter = do; Joy = oc; the/happy = adj modifying parents; their/new = adj modifying daughter

7. offered = v; Aunt Fern = subj; part = do; children = io; her = adj modifying children; a = adj modifying part; of the business = p ph modifying part; of = prep; business = op; the = adj modifying business

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from Daily Grammar Lessons Blog

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